“Let’s open the door to tomorrow’s hidden charms and gaze in wonder.” Most of our community is well aware of the amazing music that arrived via the 2016 CRB Fall Tour. Jeff’s seamless, musical integration into the lineup was firmly in the bands rear view mirror and the lunar rock n roll rover was on a serious run. The month of November, especially, had a truly cosmic cluster of shows. The November 10th performance in Virginia was a past Almanac entry and the Atlanta show on the 12th was an absolute monster and I’m sure will have a place in the pages soon. So this night at the Music Farm in Columbia, SC (11/11/2016), could easily have slipped below your radar, and it’s too good for that to happen. It’s one of those nights where the music hits you and it all feels like you are standing next to a shuttle mission launch. The music just builds and builds until the final note leaves you shaking your head in wonder and wanting more, soon! I’ve had it marked for the Almanac for quite some time and if you haven’t experienced this one yet, your going to really enjoy what you hear!
Throughout 2016 the opening slot alternated between cuts off the new LP and some of the classic jumpstarts like this propulsive Shake Rattle & Roll. Jeff lays down a deep, pulse like bass line and it’s clear they are “on” and the engines are warm. Tony literally kicks the band into Leave My Guitar Alone and this early set regular seems to strut around the room. Inviting everyone to let go of all their troubles and come along for the ride. Jump The Turnstiles is next and this, to me, is where Adam always seems to sound most like Bernie Worrell circa early 80’s Talking Heads. The songs endlessly inventive textures sound so effortless here and I found myself backing this version up 3 or 4 times before moving on. Next is the breezy country pining of Tornado where CR always gives a masterclass in melancholy. The entire band is playing with such a crispness that every emotion comes through vividly while the song pulls you in. As Robert Hunter once said, “There is no emotion more appealing than the bittersweet when truly, truly spoken”. The soulful sounds of I Want To Do Everything For You (Joe Tex), is a “Last Chance For Fuel – For Your Head” sign before we enter a 3 song continuous stretch to end the first set. This open aired run starts with one of the bands most exploratory vehicles, Meanwhile In The Gods. The song is full of brilliant melody and instrumental phrasing as we approach the second half jam where Neal start to push the swell right into our chests. We are surrounded by elastic bursts that seems to be contagious as they are coming from all sides of the stage. Neal’s wailing guitar still circling above it all as CR directs the beautiful call-to-disorder from his place in the center of the storm. Once it falls into that glorious outro groove it starts to have that familiar, gauzy, floating feel that eventually mutates into the magical seamless bloom and spatial eloquence of Tumbleweed In Eden. This is an achingly good take and leads to a rousing Hog For You that from the very start is hellbent for boogie. It’s a surging set closer that has CR on his harp and the entire band getting off one last time before the break.
If the opening of the first set was the liftoff, this one-two punch of New Cannonball>Forever As The Moon is the re-ignition of the rockets. This galvanic duo sits directly in the core heat of heady times. New Cannonball hits with an open-ended abandon and leads to a teasing “Truckin” riff and eventual jam, before exploding into the rolling thunder of one of my favorite versions of Forever As The Moon. This song never ceases to amaze me and this one is colored with some especially ominous tones and accents. We are in deep and this dazzling display of instrumental interplay extends into an exuberant Wheel Don’t Roll before slowing down for the sultry, cryptical romanticism of a stunning Train Robbers. They always manage to take this dusty decent with such ragged grace and here, once again, they pull every nuance from every line. They shift gears and we are caught in the sheer energetic joy of the band blasting into Hard To Handle. The Brotherhoods version is like no other, especially on nights like this when the band and audience have found themselves collectively lifted, bobbing in the hazy ocean of air that resides in the bend of dimensions. Start Or Stone emerges as a windows down, number tight, lazy drive through the calm of deep space. It also has some of Neal’s best work of the night, with his road-tested instincts and adaptability on full display. Listen to the way he leads the jams ebb and flow while always leaving room for the rest of the band to fire shots of their own. A fairly compact but funky I Ain’t Hiding has a razor like edge and builds to a climax that washes over into the set closing Narcissus. Everyone gets a few last licks in, including CR on his harmonica for the always spirited breakdown. It’s California musical stimulation at its Freak funk finest. The double Byrds encore opens with a harmony soaked slow waltz beneath the South Carolina pines to the classic, Hickory Wind. CR’s vocal is just perfect and extends into their beautiful cover of 100 Years From Now. The Byrds late 60’s cosmic twang never looked better than it does on the CRB and the songs uptempo swing closes the evening on the highest of notes.
Like I mentioned in the opening, this show was surrounded by great ones that are equally worthy of your attention. But, these 2 sets have something special that has always made them such an enjoyable journey. These versions are full of little blasts, bends and pulls that sends the vibe and structure spinning off into some unique and amazing places. I was asked last week for my favorite month of 2016 and I didn’t even hesitate to say November. You honestly can’t go wrong with any Ravens Reels, especially from the fall, so enjoy liberal portions of these spacey nights. Your head and soul will thank you for it! This show is just a click away at the link so grab it and others today! I can’t wait to see you all in a few short weeks for Spring tour so get those plans finalized and tickets secure. We are going to pack this season full of great music and even BIGGER love! As always, Freak On brothers and sisters!
Check out the gallery for this show here : https://ravensreelsalmanac.net/catching-dreams/live-on-stage/nggallery/2016/11/11/16—The-Music-Farm—Columbia,-SC
#crb #chrisrobinsonbrotherhood#letthecrbsetyoufree #blissmerchants #ravensreels#freaktransmissions #crbismagic #crbeings#spaceisonthephone #dancefloorofyourdreams ✌️️👁
Chris Robinson Brotherhood
The Music Farm
Columbia, South Carolina
Shake Rattle And Roll
Leave My Guitar Alone
Jump The Turnstile
I Want To Do Everything For You Meanwhile In The Gods Tumbleweed In Eden
Down Home Girl
New Cannonball Rag
Forever As The Moon
Wheel Don’t Roll
Train Robbers
Hard To Handle
Star Or Stone
I Ain’t Hiding
Narcissus Soaking Wet
Hickory Wind
100 Years From Now