10/8/2017 ⭐️ Jefferson Theatre ⭐️Charlottesville, VA
The Raven and crew have been hard at work as always and it’s sure making our holidaze sound better by the day. Tonight’s magical eve just got a little more groovy with the CRB return engagement to Charlottesville. Undeterred, the bands vibe and beauty found its way back to where it was needed most. Blonde Light takes some truly unique paths along its way, weaving us into a nearly half-hour Tulsa> California Hymn. The second set opening, tripped out trifecta of Good To Know, Clear Blue> Sunday Sound all clicks together so flawlessly that the furious first shot seems to be one big living, breathing boogie beast. Got Love closes and the encore of Last Place That Love Lives removes all doubt where the focus from the stage rests. Hate is the worst and Love is the best! Follow the link to get down!!
#crb #chrisrobinsonbrotherhood #sleepinpeacewilddarkriders#freetheillegalplants #letthecrbsetyoufree #freakfamily #barefootinthehead#freakflag #blissmerchants #ravensreels #freaktransmissions #crbismagic#crbeings #spaceisonthephone ✌️️👁🔮🌟🌙🍄🚀🏹🦉
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