For a number that is actually even, 2020 has certainly been an ODD year. 2019 was a tough one of course, but after Neal’s passing it seemed only right to continue the ornament exchange.
This year, has been a rekindling of magic on so many different levels. For myself personally, I’ve gotten involved in releasing the live CRB shows through nugs, and that’s been nothing short of incredible. I look forward to getting more out in the coming weeks! The year was filled with magic from Curation Records, a Big Sur and Yucca Valley quarantine concert (quancert?) with Los Hermanos Cosmico. There was the Freak Family Reunion in Asheville. We’ve found a way to be together, while we’re supposed to be separated. We’ve found a way to share in magic with each other, in music, in fellowship. It’s been a crazy year for this country, but it has honestly been a rewarding one for those of you in this circle we find ourselves in.
I’ve been asked if we would have the Ornament Exchange again this year. I wanted to announce it a week ago, but I got sidetracked… But let’s do this thing. The picture I included is of 2 of the amazing ornaments I’ve gotten sent to me over the 3 previous years. Let’s do something for this fourth year.
I was completely blown away by the wealth of creative and unique ways everyone expressed themselves last year and knowing this community, you’ll be continuing down that same beautiful path again. Participation is just as easy as last year so get involved and help bring a little extra Vibration and Light to someone’s holiday season! Make someone’s holiday bright. Spread the love. There is NO theme to this giveaway. Just exchange cheer, an ornament and maybe a hug (virtual is ok).. We’re just the facilitator in this. If you don’t want to participate, or can’t, no pressure. Don’t. It’s ok. If you want to……
Here’s how to participate…
(1) Email your name and address to by Saturday December 12th and make sure you include the words ORNAMENT in the subject.
(2) Once enough names/addresses are in we will randomly pair you with someone and reply back by email with all the info on where to mail your ornament/gift to.
(3) Purchase or create ($15 max) an ornament, it can be a CRB related gift but it doesn’t have to be: Mushrooms, Owls, Moons, Stars or anything band related that you think someone will dig. Curation Records related? Music related? Remember to be creative and have fun! There is no right or wrong way to get involved and again, just being creative is an act of rebellion and individuality!
4) If you have a special blessing or prayer request or need to reach out because you need to talk to someone, need a friend, need a hug… just include a small note… and an email or phone number. We’ll pair you with someone to reach out.
(4) Mail your package/gift no later than December 15th. That means you’re gonna have to shop, and ship fast!!! That will assure everyone gets their package in time to incorporate it into their holiday season’s decorations and fun! Then, keep and eye on your mailbox for your partners package to arrive. That’s it!
(5) Help spread the love and show off our amazing and talented freak family. Please post whatever you receive to social media, tag us and use the hashtag #rraornamentexchange
We love you! The CRB loves you!! Freak On!!!